The Passion Of The Lord Christ Poem by Gert Strydom

The Passion Of The Lord Christ

Evening meal

The twelve of them was with Him in the upper chamber,
carefree John did turn to Him.
"Tonight one of you will betray me, "
His voice stopped them at the evening-meal.
Shocked Peter did repeat His words
and he would deny him at the cock's crowing,
nobody could guess the plans of Judas:
his face went pale under the rays of the lamp.
Jesus prayed sincerely and thankful to His Father,
softly did bless the wine and bread,
for each one he poured a portion,
in that dim light the bread was white
and this meal different from any before,
the wine was pure, sweet and dark-red.


With the raw pain of the cat-of-nails that notched His back
and the crown of thorns piercing His head,
the scorn and disdain and mockery that did continue
His stumbling gait with a body half-broken,
the Roman soldiers at Golgotha cured Him,
did draw the lots over His cloak and loin-cloth.
Naked He was bared on the wooden cross,
while they drove nails in He was spitted and cursed.
The pain went through flesh and bone,
where He hanged high on every foot and hand,
did sinless do recompense for humanity,
with hardened criminals on each side.
He forgave when nobody did deserve it,
could not see the face of His Father.

At the grave

At the grave the guards were afraid and startled,
in fear were the disciples and women with them,
at the appearance of angels they called upon their god,
when at an angel's gesture the stone started to roll,
as if insane the soldiers ran away,
in their thoughts they were to blame.
At the temple plans were made,
as below the cross, they touched His blood stain.
At the grave Mary did not recognize Him,
did examine inside the grave was startled and surprised,
everything made her scared and flustered.
A man spoke to her as if He knew her,
through tears she was in search of Jesus:
she stretched out arms, was stopped from touching Him.

Gert Strydom

Gert Strydom

Johannesburg, South Africa
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