The Preposterous, Ridiculous, Impossible Tree Poem by Richard D Remler

The Preposterous, Ridiculous, Impossible Tree


In FarFarField Park
There happens to be
A preposterous, ridiculous,
Impossible tree,
A crataegus, cantankerous,
Ornery weed,
Brimbling from a most
Disagreeable seed.

And it's a stubborn old tree,
Always grouchy and sour,
Who's leaves change their color
Twelve times every hour.
And it's older than me
By a week, and a day,
So, wisely, I keep myself
Out and away.

It's been known to steal
Every whibble is sees.
And it angers the snids off
The Wee-Willow Bees.
It skiddles whenever
A robin drifts near,
And it hollers out insults
No one wants to hear.

It whistles a lot,
And it heeks, and it haws.
And has probably broken
At least thirteen laws.
The crickets don't like it.
They steer clear away.
And the Mantises all go
Some where else to prey.

The tiny flea Rabbits
Never visit its shade.
And the purple witch grasses
Draw back every blade,
So certain the tree has
Dark magic inside.
A magic far darker than
Midnight can hide.

If a sparrow sneaks in
For a wee little nap,
It draws all its branches
About with a snap.
And on April the First,
It can't even be seen!
And it wails like a banshee
On each Halloween!

And it won't let you climb it!
No siree, you!
Climbing this tree
Is a thing you can't do.
Why, it'll stir you about
With the first step you take,
And toss you head first
Right into the lake.
Because that's what it does
To the utmost degree!
It's a preposterous, rediculous,
Impossible tree.

Copyright © MMXV Richard D. Remler

The Preposterous, Ridiculous, Impossible Tree
Tuesday, February 26, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: experience,humor,humorous,nature,strange
"Character is like a tree and reputation like a shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing."

~ Abraham Lincoln
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