The Revellers Poem by Raj Dronamraju

The Revellers

For three or four years, I almost enjoyed myself
Extending warm greetings to easily trampled attendees
Bread and butter lovers rest a foot upon the stair
Catapult the premise once her guard is let down

I found joy in a land of want
I celebrated in a land of mourning
I gave out hope in a place where people went to bed trying to not think about tomorrow

They are deep into relaxed exhaustion
Which they preach on social media with sun and beach unreality
I don't need it, if the ground is the scene then that ground is where the party happens

The hills are beautiful
"I don't need you as a friend" they seem to say
They frame this network of lakes and rivers

Lakes and rivers and let's hope to not be born again
We showed proper happiness
We traveled in the light of what is seen every day
Let's hope to not be born again

The nights went long and were serenaded by honest laughter
We should be enjoying this more, we should recognize its short lifetime
Barefoot, shirt untucked, not sure where he is
He hopes he has shown them that he is indeed thankful

Sunday, August 5, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: gratitude
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