The River And The Mountain Poem by Ishrat khan

The River And The Mountain

Once the river thought 'Do I have to flow all my life?
Why can't I take a rest for a little while? ! '

She met her friend the mountain and asked him to know
'Why am I designed like this to only flow? '

The mountain laughed and said 'look at me like you I can't even groove
I've been standing for ages nor I can move! '

River replied 'how lucky you are for only standing tall and still
You never get tired at the same place, you're so fixed n chilled!

you're so fortunate to see everything from the above
And look at me all I have to do is flow! '

The mountain smiled 'This is how you view it my dear, even I get tired of standing all the time
And everyday I'm only able to see the same trees and sky!

Sometimes I wish I could flow all around like you
So that I can visit every trees that grows green, healthy and new'

'You're so comfortable and relaxed yet you feel this way'
Said the river 'I run unstoppably throughout the night and the day! '

'Giving so much of yourself, you're loved and worshipped by many
What remains in you, you give it to the ocean and the seas

You flow for the sake of others why don't you get it!
And that's not all! you also give life' said the mountain lovingly

The mountain further added 'The poor are grateful for the water you're giving
They show gratitude because of you, please stop complaining! '

The river realized, thanked and bowed him for his true wisdom
And gushed over rocks and through the trees happily with great enthusiasm

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