The Sacred, Nine Questions For You............ Poem by Sebastine Humaemo

The Sacred, Nine Questions For You............

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If people say
Angels live only in heaven
how come I see you over here?

When I don't see any hole in the sky
how come your down
falling from such height?

When I dont trust love
how come I gave my heart to you
and became a part of you?

When Iam not into romance and lust
how come you changed my mind
with just a single lip touch?

When Iam not used with fun and smile
with a single smile of yours
how you showed me, the real value of life?

When I used to laugh reading poems of love
how come you made me to sit at nights
and do poems for you, of my own?

When Iam not into showing myself smart
how come just a phone call from you, for a meet
makes me to dress in a way, smarten than the smart?

When I don't like stopping beside a flowering plant
how come you made me to grow
pots and pots of flowers for you, in my yard?

when I don't like my body and soul, filled with perfume
how come you made me to long for the flavour
that spreads from you to me, when Iam in your arms?

when you shower me with your care and love the next time
hugging you tight my lips gonna whisper in your ears
for all my sacred nine questions... what you gonna say
will the answer be.......
because our love is......Blessed and Divine? ......

Winnie Angel 12 February 2009

an amzing love poem....pretty sweet and the emergence of love feel with the help of an earthy angel true one who makes one feel the world more beautiful and bright..

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Tess Macapagal 12 February 2009

Mmmmmmmmm, so in love while reading this... my heart is laughing!

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