Everything I touch ends in fail
and it pains me like I am pricked with a nail
I used to think why it happens for a while
but my thoughts goes on endless like a river nile
somehow I have to put an end to it
but I couldn 't find a soul helping me in doing it...
I think that my life is a failure all the time. and I know going at it alone is hard but there is someone out there that cares maybe they are just to close to you for you to see them. good job. Becca
i love this, its in my fav now. i always feel like this, so i can totally relate, thanks for sharing. good job
i love this write..a poetry on reality of life, on heartache, on way of life that we usually taste...failures are just spices of life..We failed to know more..we feel pain because God loves us and He doesnt want us to forget Him....but His rewards awaits for you...Your piece is just short but the meaning is as vast as the ocean...poem from heart written with innocence, sincerity and humility...thanks for sharing..a 10...and my vote
sometimess, life s cruel...failures may come but it will not stay, , , it will disappear too...so dont put any mportance on it, , , , it's a part of our life..dont be too emotional, nd so sensitive, , , we shud be glad....we shud not waste our time...hopeless? , , , no, , , u shud not, , , , alwaz be nspired to what ur doin..ur families r alwaz there for u, ur friends too....nd me? .....donask about me, , , coz u r dear to me...ur like a brother to me, and a best friend of mine....ok...ssshhhhhh...quiet dear....''LIFE IS NOT FULL OF FAILURE''......so, be alwaz strong, , , u can make it sweetheart childish of mine..
Only failures enable us to texture Life. Only a thirsty can smell the water and taste it sugar. Only a hundgry person can find himself rich with that boul of rice. So why to mourn with failures? ? Lets learn to celebrate... And believe me... In this celebration you will find One and all beside you. There are no exceptions.
failure, heartache will be in every walk of life! ! don't see it as unwanted but feel it as necessary..coz only failure make ya feel the sweet taste of success..easy success or fulfilling of any dream is not swwet or valuable enough........i liked it as its true..being optimist is really difficult at times. Winnie
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
! ! ! ! ! ! soo sad! ! remember: ASK..BELIVE..AND YOU WILL RECIEVE..! ! great ryt :) ? ?