The Sensitive One Poem by Francis Duggan

The Sensitive One

You feel that the whole world is against you and kind things of you others do not say
But you are one who has not harmed anybody and to help some
you have gone out of your way
You've overheard two so called friends talking about you and
they seemed very critical of you
Don't worry their opinions do not matter for they belong to the judgemental few.

Your problem is that you are far too sensitive and in choosing your friends you don't seem so wise
Your so called mates were not your mates in the first place in a World of men boys always will be boys
Like you these fellows now are in their twenties but unlike you still at the primary school stage
Some people don't grow up as they grow older you well might say they never come of age.

The sensitive like you hurt far too easily and their feelings not that hard to hurt at all
Leave what your so called mates said about you to experience
In the big picture their type always seem small
But the sensitive like you will always have the problem of fragile feelings that hurt far too easily
Do not expect too much of other people is the only advice you will get from me.

In choosing your mates you haven't chosen wisely and in your
hurted feelings now the price you pay
But i hope you learn from your error in judgement for your mates were never your mates anyway
Some people grow older but they don't grow up they remain at
the primary school going stage
And even if they live on to be eighty they never ever seem to come of age.

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