The Sexaholic Shopaholic Workaholic In Me Brings In The Mystical Quality Of The Group Of Seven Poem by Gayathri Seetharam

The Sexaholic Shopaholic Workaholic In Me Brings In The Mystical Quality Of The Group Of Seven

The Sexaholic Shopaholic Workaholic in me brings in the mystical quality of the Group of Seven
-Gayathri B. Seetharam
I had a brainwave and that is to make mistletoe cookies
Along with Santa Hats and the recipe for the latter
Has been published in Food Network Canada magazine
My 21 year old son did not object violently to this
For I did bake two different types of cookies over the past week
And he wants me to space them out;

I looked at a picture of mistletoe and it has white berries
And has a remarkable similarity in colour, character and composition to
The Star of Bethlehem and I made a Freudian slip for
My painting for the Swearing In ceremony of this term's PM ship
For Justin Trudeau will feature the Star of Bethlehem
Under a maple tree surrounded by pink and violet flowers
Justin Trudeau was born on X'mas Day which mistletoe cookie bakers like me
Like to celebrate as a family holiday and not a religious event;

I know Conservative Christians will not like this
But Jesus Christ may have been a Freudian slip
And I am sure that the Immaculate Conception did not
Forbid Joseph and Mary from kissing and making out
But this is borderline blasphemy
However, as a Hindu, I can say this;

I go back in time to an era which was golden in its being
But is less than times now in many ways
For my son was not around
I went to the Art Gallery of Ontario to view the Group of Seven collection
And one of the artists purple mountains and autumn coloured trees
Caught my imagination and I, to represent the blue skies which were clear of cloud
And show the golden sunshine smiling down on us,
Wore my blue sari embroidered with golden sequins gifted by my older sister
To a dance celebration of my husband's cricket club
Where I had a good time and was invited to dance with an attractive older gentleman
And of course, I hobnobbed with the other young ladies
And danced to my heart's content
My husband and I came back and I was in a daring black blouse
With strings in the front and he cupped my breasts
And brushed my nipples suggestively
And said an endearment in Kannada
But them he shooed me off to make dinner
Oh well! The aroused me quelled the impulse to give in to my sexual longing
But I was also hungry, said my practical self;

Circa 2014, my husband bought me a beautiful art book
With the Group of Seven paintings at my request
And I, inspired by a painting, recaptured my hobby of painting
Which I had tucked away in a closet along with my make-up set
That year, I brought back complete make-up in my life
After my early married days
Poetic justice for a painted face is mostly beautiful
As the colours of the artist's palette
Bring out the elements of the subject into compositional splendour
My visit to the AGO in 2016 to see Turner's paintings
Led me to long for the Group of Seven mugs on display
Which my husband did not care for
For he said that he does not care for artistic compositions
Intervening in his morning ritual of waking up to coffee
For coffee bean compositions don't need art to confuse matters
They need milk and sugar to brighten up the day
Leastways for my husband;

I make a flashback to more recent times, earlier this spring,
When I decided to make a tatting plus fabric art piece of Monet
And two Group of Seven paintings, Asters and Apples AND The Red Maple,
It seemed to be two perfect compositions for flowers and fruits are a fitting companion
To the Canadian passionate about his work and
It seemed to me that all of us intent on our pursuits
Would be rewarded with fame and fortune
I imagined my husband nodding his head but also saying
That if I floated on Cloud Nine in my everyday life
I was right in being a fan of the lingerie in La vie en rose
Since I viewed the world with pink, tinted glasses.

The Sexaholic Shopaholic Workaholic In Me Brings In The Mystical Quality Of The Group Of Seven
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