The Sexaholic Shopaholic Workaholic In Me Would Like To Take Action Poem by Gayathri Seetharam

The Sexaholic Shopaholic Workaholic In Me Would Like To Take Action

The Sexaholic Shopaholic Workaholic in me would like to take action
-Gayathri B. Seetharam
I decide that the next time I bake a cake or cookies, I am going to
Do just the meringue icing with water rather than lemon or orange meringue icing
And the million dollar question is whether it will set as well
And since, it has indirectly come to my notice that
I am like a doormat who enjoys amongst other things,
Household chores and do them almost cheerfully,
I must write something of an intense nature
That puts me on the world stage
And discussing all of this with my husband and 21 year old son
Would be the meringue icing on the cake
And I could either bake dainty pink and white petit fours
Or make a tropical mango cake with mango meringue icing
Which would bring in the paradise conditions of Toronto right now for snow
Has vanished from the roads and streets;

But the hazards of the game of politics is
That it could get dangerous
Please do recall that Michael Kovrig and Michael Spavor of Canada
Are still under imprisonment in communist China
Which brings me to the rhetorical question as to why
Communism results in so much of borderline dictatorship conditions
In principle, it seems like a beautiful concept
All people are rich in the communist nation
As Karl Marx has said as a pacifist,
Democracy is the road to socialism,
We confuse communism to have the
Makings of a happy set of people
But what is happening in Hong Kong which
Is an independent state knuckling under China's dominance
Is shocking;

But then again, there is Saudi Arabia
Which does not have a constitution
The Quran is its constitution
And since, the sexaholic in me wants to seduce the world stage
With my scrutiny of Jamal Khashoggi's writing
And I pull out the most bold of his writings
Published in The Washington Post:
Some of the arrested are good friends of mine,
And the effort represents the public shaming of intellectuals and religious leaders
Who dare to express opinions contrary to those of my country's leadership;

The shopaholic in me would like to buy a book which talks
About journalists who have made groundbreaking contributions to society
In terms of freedom of speech and opinion and thought
And I mentally say a prayer to the Maltese journalist who was killed by a car bomb in Oct 2017
Her name is Daphne Caruana Galizia and there are continued protests in the nation of Malta
Against the culprit corrupt government
The shopaholic in me looks at the unfortunate death of Marie Colvin
A journalist who died reporting the bombing of Syria by its dictator, King Asssad
And I am glad that we watched the dramatized effort from Hollywood;

The workaholic in me tried to convince the PM of India, Narendra Modi,
To bring in a new constitutional clause, Freedom of Press,
For the countries of Canada and USA have freedom of press
Although India grants Freedom of Speech, it cannot boast of
Exhibiting the beauty of Georgia O'Keefe's painting, Abstraction Rose,
A black and white painting of the beautiful petals of a rose,
The pages of a newspaper by an unhindered press
But now, I think that I should question the Saudi Arabian Crown Prince, King Salman
The reason for him having murdered Jamal Khashoggi
As the internet says, Khashoggi's family has been compensated with millions of dollars
But there is no proof of this and for fear of their lives, the family might be
Backing this statement but why does Saudi Arabia not have a constitution
Which gives fundamental rights of freedom and expression to its people
The problem with Mohammed the Prophet was that when he was 25 years old
He was married to a 40 year old woman and this embittered him for life
And poor man, he married only widows, says Wikipedia,
And that is why the Quran is so strict towards its followers
For the man might have been sexually frustrated
I would love to ask this of King Salman for he is
The head of a despotic regime

The Sexaholic Shopaholic Workaholic In Me Would Like To Take Action
Thursday, December 5, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: political
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