'' The Simple Answer Is, No '' Poem by Bri Mar

'' The Simple Answer Is, No ''

If everyone were black, would racism exist?
Would the colour white, ever be missed?
From hating each other, would we desist?
Could love be what this would sow?

Imagine a world, where everyone was white,
Would that make living, seem alright?
The future of our species, seeing the light,
Would our respect for each other grow?

The problem is, there are blacks who hate blacks,
Whites loving each other, it's substance this lacks,
In our everyday lives, you can see through the cracks,
Hated is what we love to sow.

Both black and white, come in different shades,
In truth, life mirrors a game of charades,
As we question our disguise, the truth then fades,
Which comes as a bit of a blow.

Being black or white, does not prevent hate,
The simplest things, can make us irate,
If we could only learn, to communicate,
Maybe our future together would glow.

If it wasn't colour, we'd find an excuse,
With one another's emotions, we play fast and loose,
It's in our genes, to dish out abuse,
The cure, we just don't want to know.

Racism is wrong, it's a man made projection,
In life, we would all love to find perfection,
Yet it's from this concept, we all need protection,
It can be the cause of such woe.

We are all Human Beings, no one's better than you,
Yet racial hatred, we just cannot subdue,
Would being colour blind stop all this ado,

‘' The Simple Answer Is, No ‘'

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