The Sinking Of The Jeffry Picower Poem by Joe Rosochacki

The Sinking Of The Jeffry Picower

On Sunday October 25,2009, was the last day of Jeffry Picower’s life.
Jeffry was found at the bottom of his Palm Beach house, at the bottom,
-by his wife.
Jeffry had made millions through Bernie Madoff’s ‘Ponzi’ scheme,
For he was at the top,
Jeffry and his wife amassed ill-gotten fortune-that was their dream.
Jeffry defrauded hundreds of investors and was sued by many of them.
But alas, the investor, his lungs full of chlorinated water, it is almost the end.
For he cannot stand trial, at least not on earth,
There is not enough Yom Kippurs.
He cannot atone, forget the high holidays,
He made money in the least favored ways.
Smith-Barney was an investment firm and their ad phrase was,
'We make money the old-fashioned way. We earn it.'
(Too bad, Smith-Barney who had to merge with Morgan-Stanley who in turn was bought by Citibank who in turn was partially saved by the US taxpayer, mass confusion I admit.)
Jeffry was found in the lavish pool by his wife, Barbara.
Such a pity, that he would die before he would face the law.
He was dead,
-in the water so to speak.
-for 26 investors it maybe sad but this was not funny,
-the fraud was most certainly illicit.
Jerry Reisman, an attorney representing about 26 victims,
-said Picower's death does make it more—
- -difficult for the trustee to recoup some of the money.
'We won't be able to hear from his own words whether he was complicit, '
Reisman said.
Bernie Madoff was sentenced was sentenced to 150 years,
His buddy, Jeffry Picower’s family is now in tears.
However there shouldn’t be a cascade of mourners around.
Does the Picower estate owe money?
According to the trustee Irving Piccard, who’s charged with handling the dispersion of the defrauded investors by the Madoff scheme and who demanded the Picower return 7 billion dollars to the trust, he said “Yup”!
Unlike Madoff’s Ponzi scheme went belly up,
Jeffry body was floating in the pool belly down.


(please read It’s a Mad(off) , Mad(off) , Mad(off) , Mad(off) World for more detail of this unprecedented Ponzi scheme)

Joe Rosochacki

Joe Rosochacki

Hamtramck, Michigan
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