The Song Of Life: 19. Thou Shouldst Not Grieve Poem by Aniruddha Pathak

The Song Of Life: 19. Thou Shouldst Not Grieve

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For sure is death to whoso born,
As rebirth for those of life shorn,
For all mortals ‘tis so ordained,
And life cycle is so maintained,
So, shouldst thou grieve, nor get torn. || 2.27 ||

Here is the transliteration with the meanings of Sanskrit words:

Jātasya hi dhruvah mŗtyuh dhruvam janma mŗtasya cha |
tasmāt aparihārye arthe na tvam shochitum arhasi || 2.27 ||

jātasya:one, subject to birth, one matter of born; hi: indeed, surely; dhruvah: certain, sure, undoubtedly; mŗtyuh: death; dhruvam: certain; janma: birth; mŗtasya cha: and of one who's dead; tasmāt: therefore; a-parihārye: in (matters)unavoidable, over the inevitable; arthe: matters, cases; na: not; never; tvam: thou, you; shochitum: to lament, to grieve; arhasi: shouldst thou, proper/appropriate it is.

Thursday, October 10, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: birth,death,despair
Dr Antony Theodore 13 October 2019

Thank u very very much for explaining in detail by givine the meanings. this is a great service to us. thank u. thank u again and again. tony

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Aniruddha Pathak 13 October 2019

Thank you, dear Dr Antony, I was dying to see your feedback on this work, all, The song of life, Mahabharata, Jewels of Upanishads, Subhashitanis, or, Words well worth. Good to see your feedback at last. Thanks so much.

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Me Poet Yeps Poet 12 October 2019

grt Looking at Atman as neurons, and soul as magnetism, both a great way of looking at Atman/soul. Yet, they are that and something more than that. i asked what is that tell me more of that my mind is now totally flat and you also that that i know not that what your mind is playing at that

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Aniruddha Pathak 13 October 2019

#1. Atman as neurons, soul as magnetism, that means Atman and soul are different. Is it? ##2. You say: i asked what is that tell me more of that my mind is now totally flat and you also that that i know not that what your mind is playing at that (Report) , and plain mind of 79 is confused.

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Aniruddha Pathak

Aniruddha Pathak

Godhra - Gujarat
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