How can one be selected and bestowed with leadership...
Criticize those who have been led down the road to failure?
It has been done.
By those who are stunned,
Facing a backlash they can not overcome.
And those who warned,
This would happen from the beginning...
Are now the ones who are blamed,
With claims to have disgraced a misplaced agenda...
By being too vocal!
And that brought about a public shame!
Leaving those who had heckled...
Now the victims of their implemented jokes.
And this fed ridiculousness,
Is observed with whispers.
But no one wishes to speak openly and tell!
With those who honor their absurdities.
And the misfitness of their mindsets...
That suits them comfortably quite too well.
As the spinning of the whirlpool speeds.
To suck them deeper...
Into a hell,
Proposed for them and their kind to dwell!
What is this poem about? '
The taking up of space!
'And that is 'suppose' to make sense? '
Only if you let it.
And when done...
Hopefully you wont regret it!
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem