The Therapist Poem by Randy McClave

The Therapist

She counseled me through a pandemic
And then through an economic mess,
She was a true learned academic
Who helped me handle my worries and stress.
She then helped me through a polarized election
And then a radical terroristic movement,
She helped me turn around my thoughts and direction
For my own help, and my mental improvement.
She was there for my chronic uncertainty
When I didn't know truly who I was,
She then helped me with my severe anxiety
Then I was able to once again to believe in love.
She was there for my hurt and my depression
When there was no for me to talk to,
She was my friend to whom I gave my confession
She was always there to help me through.
I never gave her preparation or a warning
She had no special training at all,
Many times I was saddened, hurt and mourning
But, she helped me, so that I didn't stumble and fall.
Unto the therapist, them all I do sincerely honor
Especially the ones who sees us time and again,
Without them we all would be a goner
I felt as though they know where we have been.
My broken pieces they were all gathered and mended
Once again I knew just how to feel,
My depression and sadness and worries finally ended
Happy, I then finally began to heal.
Therapists are surely the soldiers of help and of mercy
They indeed fall into the angel's ranks,
I salute them for helping me and others with our controversy
So, unto the therapist, I give you my deepest thanks.

Randy L. McClave

Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Ashland, Kentucky
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