The Vivid Rose Ensoleil In The Outer Snows (Formerly Titled Vivid) Poem by Mary Angela Douglas

Mary Angela Douglas

Mary Angela Douglas

Little Rock, Arkansas United States of America

The Vivid Rose Ensoleil In The Outer Snows (Formerly Titled Vivid)

[in memory of my grandmother, Lucy White Young ]

these peripheral fairy stories

I still wind
on a reel of gold

even if the pictures are flickering

in this Celluloid mirror
and the glass slipper slips to the stones
and shatters
before it can be found.

I still preserve like

muscadine jam the
soul's gilt gingerbread;
it's peppermint and gemstone gumdrop

all sugar plum, pastel expectations;

a panoramic view at Easter
of violet-trimmed hats
against a primrose sky;
the key to the heart's most

singular libretto, a

treble clef of stars:
music unfolding like this fugue of far dimensions.
my mother's singing in a green plaid dress:
butter and sugar on enchanted bread,

the faraway Land of Green Ginger,

tomato soup, grilled cheese
fruit cocktail.

ever-closer I gather my anomalies,

secured for a glittering denouement:
twelve fairies with their gifts,
a summer piano's
'Rustle of Spring',

a bird's chilled singing in the holy rain

the spinning wheel unspun
the last sleeve sewn.
the princess clouding capture
with a milky quartz

(tucked into a secret pocket

before the school bell) ;
treading the springtide scriptures of a dream
coping with wrapped enigmas,
her tears of pearl recondite-

like everything else.

prayers with no transliteration, heard
even from such dim towers.

all you know.

mysteriously without the wind

the green tree tops begin to bend;
taken up at the hem
the cherry-glazed day arrives:

the vivid rose ensoleil in the outer snows.

mary angela douglas 18 may 2009, title change: 10 june 2024

*ensoleil: with the sun's rays around it as in heraldic pictures. (Fr.)

Mary Angela Douglas

Mary Angela Douglas

Little Rock, Arkansas United States of America
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