The Weird Feeling Poem by Frankie Stones

The Weird Feeling

My hear t was pounding. I felt if it was to beat once more it would fall into my hands, then starring at it I would forget everything every last memory I had.

I felt something but I couldn’t figure out what. Felling as if someone had thrown me in a box, shaken me around and then placed me in somewhere that was unknown to my memory but yet it was the place I had lived all my life. I knew the roads like the back of my hand.

The strange bewilderment I felt could only be described as a feeling I had never encounter. Confused I had to many emotions running through me regret, despair, sadness and the feeling that I was lost.

My temper was on boiling point as people pushing me to get a reaction had angered me. Walking away from what could have been a messy situation I couldn’t help but be on edge the feeling that something was going to go wrong over whelmed me.

Looking around every corner everything had a different story each tree had seen a life time of things each blade of grass had a story and looking deeper I discovered I had a story to but I didn’t look forward to where I knew it was going.

Donall Dempsey 21 October 2007

Frankie I like the prose poems but I think a lot of them could be crafted into more superior poems and a focusing on your imagery(which is your real strong point) and the passionate way you explore loss and love. The image of you being thrown into a box and stirred and shaken and then put down someplace else is just fantastic and startling and really gets across the idea of your unhappiness and displacement. Not only does it convey the idea of how you feel(and make us feel it too) but the idea is powerful enough to stay in our heads. This is an unforgetable image that lingers in the mind and stikes sparks so the reader's mind is also set ablaze.with the passion and pain of your feelings! love Donall Donall

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