The Wheel Of Reincarnation Poem by Paula Glynn

The Wheel Of Reincarnation

At first there's only dark,
Twisting atoms surrounding bone,
Eyes formed and developed,
Lungs and heart,
No impact on conscience,
For lungs could burst,
And heart could bleed,
But the soul does not yet know,
Their body to trap them,
In a prison created by evil,
Evil within their soul,
For they will grow,
To have the killer instinct,
The first time in the womb,
The only time no conscience,
A woman to cry out,
Her son born,
Satan's mother,
To teach her little boy,
How to handle life,
But he gets it twisted,
No knowledge of pain,
Until the end of his life,
When he meets his maker,
The man in the wall,
No angel to come to call.

The second time in the womb,
His soul to not twist with rage,
Knowledge of hell,
Knowing the pain of the kill,
But foolishness enters here,
His life filled with fear,
With no awareness of why,
And he wants to die,
To escape his pain,
To end the torture,
His crimes from his previous life,
Unknown and trapped,
In the prison of time,
And people surround him,
Telling him he's got it wrong,
His soul to have burnt in hell,
A place where spiders dwell,
Hiding in the shadows,
Hiding in the cracks of his mind,
Demons to be cruel,
Life not having been kind,
But when he dies,
He will celebrate with a party,
And be strong,
For learning his lesson well,
Has meant the end of hell,
His soul to never kill again.

The third time in the womb,
And now he is not a fool,
His strength and courage,
Making him ultra cool,
For now he is the hero,
People praising and worshiping him,
As he stands in front of the crowd,
Sharing his thoughts and creativity aloud,
And the world loves his work,
For he has already grown wise,
And has learnt,
His morality and compassion,
Bursting in his heart,
Knowing love and power,
Are closely mixed,
And problems are always fixed.
The son a happy man,
Who travels the world,
Seeing magnificent sights,
Every adult and child,
Seen in glorious techncolour,
Souls from deep in time.

In every time in the womb,
Lessons are going to be learnt,
Every soul - whether male or female -
To grow and learn on God's jewel,
Earth carrying its people,
For the wheel of reincarnation,
Cannot be stopped,
And hell ends for everybody,
All souls to celebrate in the end,
To have everybody their friend,
All souls to grow and learn,
Where poverty is defeated,
For every life is precious,
People heart-to-heart,
And the soul grows stronger with love,
And the lord watches over all from above,
Everyone having been a demon once,
But now angelic and grinning with the sun,
For everybody is worthwhile,
And even those poor in money have won.

Thursday, May 16, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: religion
Paula Glynn

Paula Glynn

Essex, Britain
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