The Whispering Stranger Seated Next To Carla On The Plane (2 Of 2) Poem by Frank Yue

The Whispering Stranger Seated Next To Carla On The Plane (2 Of 2)

The Whispering Stranger Seated Next to Carla on The Plane
(… Part 2 of 2)
- by Frank Yue

(... Continued from Part 1)

I leaned towards her and whispered in her ear:
If you want to hear, me you'll have to move near.
(I ne'er dreamt I would whisper in a woman's ear
On the same plane in the presence of my wife dear!)
She obliged and ignored her personal space -
My lips were a couple of inches from her face.

"What are those hand movements you were doing? "
They are entirely two different things -
Martial arts, and health-enhancing technique.
For yourself, choose one for me to ‘teach':
Some self-defence tricks to ease your mind night and day,
Or, some effective health-care maintenance ways.

With her questions, she fired away;
There couldn't be a more eager student these days.
I answered them best as I could;
Like to learn some health-enhancing exercise, she would.
In her late twenties, she is a smart young lady.
In her mind, there was still one ‘curiosity'.

"Now, why are you so keen to teach all this to me? "
I'd promised to share these good stuffs to all who ask me.
Why are you so interested in Chinese medicine?
"My Mom once suffered from a certain ailment;
The doctors couldn't help her but after treatment
By acupuncture her condition saw some improvement."

Before we started, were you reading a novel in Spanish?
"Right, I was. And I speak Spanish, French and English.
I come from Brazil, am visiting friends in Montreal.
My name is Carla. What's yours? "
I pointed to the name appearing in my article.
She gave me a funny face and let out a chuckle.

No, I am not kidding, Carla.
I am "him", the "poet-author".
I could see some doubts in her eyes.
I am not flirting with you; why should I lie?
I produced my boarding-pass stub with THE name.
Then, Carla's attitude was not quite the same.

I showed Carla "The Ten Skilful Hands" forms just once;
She repeated the 10 movements flawlessly after I'd done!
And in the correct order, too,
In tune with the ‘qi flow' in me and you.
(Ah! I was quite happy: I had chosen well -)
Teach your parents and friends for better health.

As a responsible "tutor" under such conditions,
I wrote -in English -the brief instructions
On the inside of a cut-open blank envelope,
While Carla was napping during the session-interlude.
She opened her eyes as her destination came "on-line";
I handed the note to her and bade her Good-bye.

Carla said "Adios! " and got off the plane;
Probably, I would never see her again.
Go, spread the good stuffs around you -
Truth is Beauty, and Beauty, Truth.
Let's all make this place a better World with Love,
The gentle rain of Compassion from Above.

(The End)

Friday, October 23, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: health,student,travel
Frank Yue

Frank Yue

Planet Earth
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