Frank Yue

Frank Yue Poems

- Du Fu (Tang Dynasty)
- Translated by Frank C Yue

The war chariots a-rolling,

- by Frank Yue and his Better-Half

You never, you never know
Our Mom can be a fighting soul,

"2,3,4,5; 6,7,8,9":
An Odd Encoded Homonym-Omission Couplet
- by LU MENGZHENG (946-1011)
- Translated by Frank C Yue

"Wujue: Searching for the Plum Blossoms"
- by Golden Bow
- Translated by Frank C Yue

"Climbing the Mountain"
-by Tang Baihu (1470-1524)
-Translated by Frank C Yue

Miscellaneous Poems - No.1 (of 12)
-by Tao Yuanming (365-427) (Jin Dynasty)
-Translated by Frank C Yue

Life comes, life goes,
Something we all know.
One life gives way to another,
Another gives way to yet another.

"Flanked by clouds passing, The Moon"
-by Monk Yong Ming (Song Dynasty)
-Translated by Frank C Yue

This poem is the final chapter in the following:

1. A Winning Self-Defence Strategy(1 Of 5)
2. I'll Be Seeing You, "Mr Punchman", Come Shine Or Rain! (2 Of 5)

(To the Tune of)The Phoenix Hairpin Ci
- Lu You (Song)

Red-sleeved, sensuous hand;

To The Maid Who Has Been Sold
- by Cui Zhao (Tang Dynasty)
- Translated by Frank C Yue

Serene And Peaceful Melody No.1 (of 3) (Ode to Lady Yang)
- Li Bai
- Translated by Frank C Yue

Tune: All Red The River!
To the Tune of Man Jiang Hong (The River All Red)
- Yue Fei (1103-1141) (Southern Song)
- Translated by Frank C Yue

At Qing Ming (Grave-sweeping Festival on Fifth of April)
- Du Mu

'Round Qing Ming, almost continual is the light rain;

Miscellaneous Thoughts
- Wang Wei (701-761)
- Translated by Frank C Yue

The Best Poem Of Frank Yue

Du Fu: The War Chariots A-Rolling 杜甫 車轔轔 馬蕭蕭 行人弓箭各在腰

- Du Fu (Tang Dynasty)
- Translated by Frank C Yue

The war chariots a-rolling,
Horses neighing,
Men marching,
Their bows and arrows over hips hanging;
Alongside the soldiers running -
The parents, wives and children, raising
Dust billows the Xiangyang Bridge obscuring!

They stamp their feet, hold onto the men's clothing,
The road the great crowds clogging...
Their loud, plaintive cries
Pierce the clouds high in the skies!
A passer-by asks of the men -
Their reply: Men were conscripted often then.
15-year-olds were sent north,
To the Yellow River they marched forth;
Men in their 40's were led away
To farm the western frontier where they would stay.
Young boys' hair was done up by village elders
Who sent them off as adults;
When they return with white hair
They may be, even then,
Sent off to the border again!
O! The FRONTIER, so much blood has flowed it could form a sea;
Still, the Emperor wants to expand his territory!

Have you not heard? (Let this be known -)
East of the Han mountains countless counties indeed
Are now desolate, the fields overgrown
With thorns and weeds.
Even with strong women the fields tilling,
Little can the lands be producing.
Though our men are brave, full of devotion,
Like chicken and dogs they're driven ever.
To ask them questions, even if l wanted,
The conscripts would never
Dare to have their grievances vented.
For instance, just in Winter this year,
None of the soldiers is back here!
But urgent payment of taxes the officials demand;
From where could the peasants get the money as commanded?
It's far better to have daughters, they believe,
Than sons -the daughters may marry some neighbours,
But sons will be buried, wild grass beneath.

Have you not seen this (more and more) ?
By Qinghai's lake shore,
Since a long, long time ago,
Left unattended are the white bones cold;
And the cries of ghosts, new and old,
May be heard, again and again,
Through the mournful sounds of falling rain!

- 唐代 杜甫

耶孃妻子走相送,塵埃不見咸陽橋。(耶娘 一作:"爺")

Frank Yue Comments

fank yue 19 October 2020

thank you kindly, paul. i'll try not to disappoint you.

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Paul parker 25 May 2020

I like your poems as good and kind,,

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