The Wind Poem by The Original Tom Maxwell

The Original Tom Maxwell

The Original Tom Maxwell

East St. Louis Illinois /now in Junction city, or Belleville, Illinois

The Wind

Rating: 5.0

The wind can be amazing, depending on the gust, it can turn,
A small fire to a blaze, or fill a house full of dust.

We have all cursed it at times, depending what we had to do,
After a long hot day, it sure feels good, as we wait for the evening dew.

The wind without notice, can move a house off it's ground,
Sometimes it is so sneaky, we feel it touch us, and never hear a sound.

It helps restore nature, throughout our land, by carrying the seed of Plants to bare soil, an original mother nature plan.

The wind can dry the skin on our bodies, on a cold winter day,
It's been called a blessing in summer, when it blows our way.

Every year it strips the plants, of all their fall leaves,
And drys our laundry, when we hang it on a line between trees.

It can make tall waves, in the oceans, or the largest sea,
For the wind itself, we can only imagine, for our eye's will never see.

Varsha M 12 August 2020

Very true Sir. Wind is life giving and essential all the time. Good words.

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The Original Tom Maxwell

The Original Tom Maxwell

East St. Louis Illinois /now in Junction city, or Belleville, Illinois
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