The Womb Poem by Raison samuel

The Womb

On a beautiful day, I decided to take a walk with the Lord in paradise;

We took a stroll among the vineyards.

I told Him, “Lord, I would love to see your creation for Thou have made it so beautifully.”

He asked me to get prepared for a journey.

The journey began in my mother’s womb.

I loved being there, because I was protected, fed and nourished.

I learnt to move my hands and legs.

The day came when I had to venture out from the comfort zone;

I was happy for a moment but I was afraid to break the shell.
I cried for a long time;
I don’t know why, but tears rolled down my supple cheeks.

I could see some tears and some smiles in people who came to welcome me.

Everyone greeted me with their warmth, but I was not fond of some.

At last I got the warmth I was longing for.

The one, who protected, nourished and fed me;
‘My mother’.

She fed me till I burped.

I felt like a prince but I knew all this was short lived and the worst happened as I grew up to be a man.
People showed their greed,
People showed the murky side of themselves

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