They say that beauty can be seen in the eyes of the beholder
So when we see such ugliness is that the beauty seen?
They say we should love each other as we would want ourselves
So does that mean that when we kill we show affection true?
They say that life's a journey that's not a bed of roses
So does that mean we do what we want regardless of the cost?
Why do we listen to what THEY say?
Are we really all that gullible?
Why do we believe that THEY know the truth?
When their actions do not align
Why do we follow like sheep after THEM?
When their example has led us astray
What do we do, which way do we go, who do we believe?
At least the one thing I have learned is:
(Just a pondering view of life and how we tend to follow what others say, think and do, without really knowing who they are)
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
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