Here is a message I want to share with you
A message I hope you will like
To all who do read, this is the first
I have shared on this site to all of you
The pain inside burned deep in my heart
leaving a scar that wouldn't heal
It felt like a poker stabbed deep inside
twisted and turned to make the hole bigger
So delicate is the spider's web
It stretches out so fine
So intricate and finely spun
In wondrous awe of design
My heart grew heavy that day long ago
When I thought in you a friend who was true
I believed you were honest, someone to trust
A friend who would help me whenever I got stuck
Listen Up! I have a thought, I think I'll share with you
It is a thought, a view, a dream of why some love the same
In the word, the word of truth, in twos they were sent out
They were not sent as husband and wife for their purpose was to seed
Life gets so distorted by the way we see and hear
We each see things so differently including our every fear
Our thoughts, our view, imaginings give solace to the soul
never knowing what is to come can bind us in a hole
One day I looked into myself and didn't like the look
So determined to change I sought for a way by seeking it in a book
I read and pondered, researched and thought, a wistful point of view
What can I do that others will see and know that I am new?
A dream was dreamed so long long ago
of a life that was yet to be seen
and there in that dream was the souls of the lost
clambering about in the dark
If laughter can soften a hardened heart
And a smile could lift one's day
What would happen in the world
If we decided to live this way
In pain I've walked and pain I've talked
just to stand as the person God made
but the jealousies of men are heavy and dark
surrounding to take me right down