Then One Day Poem by Randy McClave

Then One Day

Then one day..
You're going to look back at your many years
Then again you will cry those many tears,
As you will again try to just understand
Why then you did not wantonly take his hand.
Now you are sad and all alone
And only your pets listen to you as you moan,
But, you have a boyfriend every now and then
And whenever he comes over to see you, it is a win.
You two share nothing important together
He's not your children's father and your not his children's mother,
And of course you two will never wed
Even though many times you have pleaded and pled.
He gives you no respect or honor at all
He doesn't care if you ever slip or even fall,
And many times you, he emotionally and physically abuses
Just because he wants to, and because he just chooses.
In front of family and friends he always puts you down
They laugh at you like a clown,
But, now you are the beholder
You now don't care because you are getting older.
To the bars you have taken a couple of rounds
In the mirror as you look, you've added on a few pounds,
And then as you dream about throwing the bouquet
You noticed in the mirror you hair has turned gray.
All your dreams are still ignored
No longer do you see a future that you can afford,
Then you'll realize how you were treated the worst
When you realize again he never put you first.
Then you remember that one man who treated you good
Because, he knew that he wanted to and he should,
And you'll remember how he wanted you as a spouse
And how he wanted his home to be your house.
Then again you will think back with a great sadness
Currently you don't feel that much joy or gladness,
Then finally, but to late you will realize your mistake
And why your soul and heart does desperately ache..
Then one day.

Randy L. McClave

Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Ashland, Kentucky
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