There Is A Mystic Flute Of Lord Poem by Mohammad Younus

There Is A Mystic Flute Of Lord

Rating: 5.0

There is a mystic flute of lord
Naturally sounds in our wajūd
Sounds with delight eternally
At pitches low and pitches high
Tells not remorseful tale of disunion
Recounts the thrilling reality of union
Listen to this cheerful flute
If you listen to it composedly
You shall hearken the Lord's call -
Come closer, Come closer
Be careful! it is in and around
Who is breathing in the flute?
Who is beyond million veils?
Who is hiding within deep?
Shut up the distracting outer eye
Burst open the sleeping inner eye
You shall know and see the flautist
Think not the flautist is some other
Know and believe the sublime truth
The other exists only in fantasy
Listen from me the hidden truth
Flute, flauter, listener are one
So the flauter is not other than you
He is you, within you, and around you
The true listener of mystic flute
Absorbs totally in flute-sound
His heart fills with ecstasy and love
He prefers concealing from people
Who live in fantasy and ignorance
He even hides from his envying self
With the light of His piercing eye
He discerns the treasures invisible
Behind the swirling mists of illusion
He enchants Gnostics and mystics
With his charmful and graceful beauty
His heart gets the spiritual knowledge
While listening to the merry sound
Be mindful! This is the divine knowledge
That explains the meaning of unity
Before listening to the mystical flute
I was certainly crazy and nescient
Deaf, mute, and blind; I swear




There Is A Mystic Flute Of Lord
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: spirituality
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