There's A Height To My Joy Poem by Gary James Smith

There's A Height To My Joy

There's A Height To My Joy

There's a height to my wonderful joy
And it soars to the heavenlies
I cannot help but give praise to that loving God
Who offers a sinner such grace
Who is in pursuit twenty-four seven
For the benefit of our souls
How can I not but praise that God
Who loves each sinner so

That's why I can't stop thinking about Heaven
For I know that I'm going there
I'm living daily with that blessed hope
Farwell to old despair
I serve a Risen Saviour
Hallelujah for that Lamb
Who shepherds me with absolute love
For He is the great I am

Who puts a burden on our hearts
To tell others about that place
And how they too might be born again
And be saved by
grace through faith
You might call it pestering
Call it what you may
But I'd rather be found guilty of sharing that good news
So that you too might find the Way

He's the Master of the sea
He'll take care of your fiercest storm
You know its the greatest on the inside of your heart
That's why you must be reborn
There's a life to be had in a Saviour
Who calls each hurting one home
Come... and bring all of your troubles to Him
And learn to sing glory to God the Son!

A way has been made for you
It comes by way of the Cross
The precious shed blood of the Lord Jesus Christ
Sufficient for all of sins cost!
With a love that loves reaching out to others
With love as His greatest theme
I cannot help but praise such a God
Who has died for sinful men

Come along and sing praises with me
It's like we're riding on cloud nine
With the wonderful peace of a living Saviour
As well as with a joy divine
My treasure I am enjoying it now
For there's nothing that can bring separation
For I am His and He is mine
Praise God for such a Salvation!

Sin has lost its power...hallelujah!
Christ has done the rendering
Not of works have I obtained it
For Christ has done everything
I hear it still O Hallelujah!
My reminder from the Cross
' it is finished! '...shouts the Saviour
My answer back? ! ! ! ...hallelujah! ! !

He's alive! ...He has Risen! ...Hallelujah!
By the Cross was the way to the tomb...
Heart's that were grieving with sorrow that day
They were sure to find their joy soon
For by God... Himself's... wonderful timing...
Expecting a body to add spices too
They were met by angels from glory...saying...
He has arisen for you!

Hallelujah what a Saviour!

Copyright March 26 2021 5: 12 AM

Gary James Smith

Gary James Smith

Gary James Smith

Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario
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