This Is No Parody Poem by Lawrence S. Pertillar

This Is No Parody

The costumes adorned.
And the presentation to represent,
Your dialogue to encase mood and attitude...
You describe and to us relate,
Is a quality so real and accessible.
And the effect you have created,
Gave me shivers and took my breath.
I must say,
And don't get offended...
The setting I found a bit abstract.
And the characters you used to dress like rats,
Serving fat cats in tuxedos...
Did nothing for me to believe,
The performance I saw had been a parody.

This is no parody.
I tried to tell you and the others,
The outdoor performance you had come to see...
Was across the street.
While you and the others were setting up,
Your lawn chairs and other stuff.
Across the street where 'that' crowd is and appears.
Apparently you are not familiar with this neighborhood?
On this side of the street is life as it is for us.
Your bus just stopped to park here.
That's all.
And when you and the others got off,
You just made yourselves at home.
As if you were watching TV.'

You mean to tell me we paid to see this?

'You PAID to see this? '

Of course.
And judging from my friends re-actions,
And my own as well...
We all would do it again.
I loved it.
The cussing. The violence. The cats. The rats.
All of it was magic. Delightful.
And the distant sounds of shootings and sirens?

The what, the who?
You '


'You all have been out of touch,
For a very long time.
Don't go anywhere.
I'll have to discuss with the 'cast'...
If we all can get our schedules together,
For a weekly performance.
How's that?
And the fee...would be...? '

Hopefully it will be the same $150 per person.

'Say what? One hundred and fifty bucks? '


Please send us more gifts like this.'

That's what I mean.
Even your improvisations,
Are so captivating.

'Trust me,
If you like thrills...
We can have you all mugged next week! '

Thrill us to death.

Before you leave,
Please feel free to sign our guestbook.
You know...
Names, addresses, phone numbers.
Stuff like that.'

We are going to make you stars.
Who knows.
You just might have a career on 'Reality TV'.
We all love it that much.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014
Topic(s) of this poem: parody
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