Tiffin Tiffany Poem by Rosmin Elsa Mohan

Tiffin Tiffany

Rating: 2.7

The main star of my story, rather the heroine is Tiffany. Tiffany was beautiful. When kids saw Tiffany, they would fight for her. When elders saw Tiffany, they were reminded of their kids, and when the youth saw Tiffany, it made them nostalgic. Yes! Tiffany was a beauty, but more than that, Tiffany was a tiffin box.

Life was forever easy for Tiffany. Right from the time, when the popular plastic company manufactured her, life was very exciting for her. It was very colourful too, as Tiffany had many friends all around her. The box shaped Boxer, the cylinder shaped Cindy and many others. But Tiffany stood out of them all. Now she was a unique shaped one. Well, she was heart shaped and obviously she knew how much it meant to all. Of course, the mortals would never buy the fact of a tiffin box having a heart, after all. But, Tiffany had one. A small cute heart, which now reflected all across her. She was all set when she was molded and cast into form, but most of all when she was coloured. Oh! she was coloured red, well now she would call that - ‘'heart Red'. She still remembers all those envious glances her 'girl' friends had given her, as she was loaded on to the truck to be placed in one of the biggest supermarkets in town. But, alas that was history!

Today, Tiffany lies in the dusty corner of the kitchen counting her days. She cries all day and night long thinking about her good old days. How beauty filled her life and colors danced around her. She wondered how and where it all had gone wrong, as she recalled that dreadful day, when Tony - the young lad of Aunty Mary and Uncle Thomas, had brought her home.

Tony was very excited. He would never keep Tiffany down. He talked to her, told her how beautiful she was and how much he liked her. He kept her separate in his khaki school bag, apart from all those boring books (as far as Tiffany was concerned) . Yes, Tiffany was treated like a queen. Even at school, at the recession, Tony would boast to his friends about her. It was never enough for Tiffany and slowly her pride began to rule over her heart.

At home, she began to admire herself more in the kitchen mirror and at her own reflections from the steel containers around her. She began to hate everything else in the kitchen. She hardly talked to them and began to tease them saying they were all trash. Naivety was out of her world as she became the self- appraised odd-one-out in the kitchen.

Now, along with Tiffany in the school bag was Milton. Milton carried cold water for Tony and even bore extreme heat when Tony was sick. Milton was a thermos. He and Tiffany shared the same space in Tony's school bag. Today, Tiffany was as usual teasing Milton, making fun of his round belly. It was too much for Milton. He gave her a strong push, and Tiffany lost her shape.

It was hell for Tiffany as she looked down at herself. 'Serves you right for being so arrogant', laughed Milton.

During recess as Tony took her out, he was shocked. He saw that his new tiffin was smashed and most of the lovely pulao his mother had put in had leaked. 'Oh this wretched tiffin', he remarked, and Tiffany broke to tears.

That day he kept her in a separate plastic bag all day. In the evening he threw her into the kitchen. He no more looked at her in wonder and love. He no longer boasted to his friends about her. As days passed, Tony started avoiding her. And then one day, a new visitor came into the kitchen. It was Tony's new heart shaped tiffin box.

Tony began to care for this new tiffin box eagerly. Very often, it was compared to with Tiffany. It broke her heart. She cried all day and night long. All the other crockery - the forks, the knives and the plates came to console her. The steel tumblers too felt sorry for her, in spite of all the fun she had made of them.

'Oh, I was such an idiot, for not to have known the true value of relationships. It's all my fault; I shouldn't have been too vain.'
Next day, Mary aunty came into the kitchen. She was searching for something. She looked down at Tiffany and remarked, 'This looks perfect', as she took Tiffany in her hands. She took her lid off and washed and cleaned her good. She next placed some very colorful pebbles in her and took her to the living room.

All her friends peeped out to see where she was taken.
Mary Aunty had kept her on top of the pile of newspapers in the living room. Tony came in and looked at her. 'Wow, just look at her. She looks prettier than ever.' He sat on the sofa watching her again.
'Our Tiffany is looking more beautiful as a show-piece', Milton remarked.

Yes, Tiffany had undergone a change in form. But the greater change
lay within, for she had got rid of her vanity.

Bri Edwards 27 June 2014

she began to admire herself more in the kitchen mirror and at her own reflections from the steel containers...... i prefer looking at myself in the bathroom mirror. At the recession as Tony took her out...........here in good old american schools, years (and years) ago, we said recess for free/play time and recession was some term having to do with money and jobs or something! what a great turnaround at the end! i like it! it makes me think morality play, though i don't know if the name quite fits. nice character development. i had a red and black plaid-design metal lunch box as a kid, which i turned into a tool box later in life. thanks for sharing. :) bri

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Kanchan Bhattacharya 28 March 2012

Chrysalis to butterfly, the story of Cinderella!

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Kee Thampi 07 March 2012

This is more than a poem, very fluent in style Oh, I was such an idiot, for not to have known the true value of relationships. It's all my fault; I shouldn't have been too vain.'..... wish to read again

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