Time Begins To Dip Its Toe Poem by Shaun Cronick

Time Begins To Dip Its Toe

Rating: 5.0

I shouldn't watch the clock,
But one down and three to go.
I am such a anxious fool,
As time begins to dip its toe.

A welcome four day break,
Will soon be down to three.
In twenty four more hours,
It'll have the better of me.

For it'll be over halfway,
That tipping point I fear.
As time greedily devours,
The hours I hold so dear.

I should destroy that clock,
A moral victory of a kind.
To cease its incessant ticking,
A countdown most maligned.

We simply can't beat time,
For it'll catch up with you.
So I simply enjoy the moment,
And find time to make do.

Friday, September 11, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: thoughts,time
Rose Marie Juan-austin 17 September 2020

A marvelous poem well thought out and conveyed.. So very true and majority of us if not all resonate with this poem. Yes, we can never beat time. It has its own course and never bend to no one.

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Dominic Windram 12 September 2020

Very perceptive poem Shaun...I too know that dreaded feeling all too well. It's definitely a don't allow time to tick away inspired ten from me!

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