Time Of Love Poem by Anil Kumar Panda

Time Of Love

Rating: 5.0

I have whispered into your ears
Thousands of words of love..
When we were together years ago..

You enjoyed every bits of your
Time lying side by side with me-
Fragrance of my love hovering
Around you as if you were in a dream

You were full of life
Like a stream in rain and let
Me move in and out of you smoothly-
I enjoyed being the swimmer

That was the time you
Were draped with sheet of petals
To be scratched by my talon of passion

Monday, November 13, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: love
Me Poet Yeps Poet 01 August 2019

Time lying side by side with me- Fragrance of my love hovering Around you as if you were in a dream PASSIONATE POETRY ON LOVE WE ALL LOVE TO ENTER IN AND OUT SMOOTHLY UNDETERRED LOVELY POETRY AKP

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Rajnish Manga 13 November 2017

Perfectly chiselled words capable of creating a visual image of the sentiments expressed in the poem. This is a real masterpiece. This goes into MyPoemList. Thanks.

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Anil Kumar Panda 14 November 2017

Thanks a lot sir for support. My regards.

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