Time Spirit! Poem by Ramesh T A

Time Spirit!

We see time for every matter under the aegis of Time Spirit
In the modern world full of hurry in our mechanical life
Due to scientific advancement against art, Nature, culture
In the name of civilization that offers comfort and facilities!

Everything goes on as in a race, contest or competition ever
With our eyes ever seeing time to complete our assignments in
The stipulated time limit to achieve amny things beyond our
Human limits in all matters we deal with the modern world....!

In all matters, Time spirit whips us to look sharp to do all;
Otherwise, we will be lagging behind in all matters unless we
Do our best within the short or long time limit we have in hand;
This is the obligation of modern world no one escape to be free!

In pursuit of advancement by science to lessen burdens and make
Life comfortable in the name of civilization, we all have become
Slaves of Time losing our freedom precious to human sense and
Natural human life in race with machines as machines by Time!

Time Spirit!
Saturday, October 21, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: time
Ramesh T A

Ramesh T A

Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
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