Times When I Smile Poem by Sandra Osborne

Times When I Smile

Rating: 3.9

You may not even know me,
Or know what I mean,
Understand my world,
Or hear me when I scream.

You may not ever see me,
Or ever touch my mind,
Because all that is real
Are only dreams in time.

Don't try to fit me in
To your ridged mold,
All the world is free,
At least, thats what I'm told.

So please, don't scream and worry
Or cry for me at night.
No matter how I'm different,
I will win my fight.

I will be the victor
Of all my many trials,
Because all that's real are dreams,
And times when I smile.

dissatified exmember 30 January 2005

Yep. once again you echo my very thoughts. Sandra your work is great.

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Allan James Saywell 30 January 2005

What a great little poem sandra very positive, so in control master of all i'm told made me feel good With a warmth allan

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Ida Nicoletti 26 May 2020

Lovely poem! ! ! I like poems that rhyme even if it is just the 2nd & 4th lines. But on this, the last stanza has no rhyming words on both 2nd & 4th lines. Perhaps, the 2nd line can be: " Of all my many trials in a mile, " then insert a word or two on the last line before the word " times" .

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Theodora Onken 30 January 2005

Awesome, Sandra Theodora

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Cliff Morman 30 January 2005

If I dont comment soon my computer will disconnect...... this is more than inspiring its got life in it its just more than I can comment on its wonderful pardon my spelling thanks for what you've put in words Cliff em em em em

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Anong All 30 January 2005

Your poem sounds very inspiring to me. I really enjoyed reading it. With Respect, Jodilee

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Claire Blake 30 January 2005

Lovely. I really liked this poem. Keep up the good work Sandra.

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