Tirukkural Chapter 70 - Couplets 7,8,9,10 Poem by Rajaram Ramachandran

Tirukkural Chapter 70 - Couplets 7,8,9,10

திருக்குறள் -TIRUKKURAL
அதிகாரம் 70 - மன்னரைச் சேர்ந்தொழுகல்
70/07. வேட்பன சொல்லி வினையில எஞ்ஞான்றும்
கேட்பினும் சொல்லா விடல்.

70/07. Vetpana solli vinaiyila enggaanrrum
Ketpinum sollaa vidal.

70/07. Even when a King is not asking, one may tell things what he likes to hear. But tell him not any unwanted thing, even if he is asking for it.
Akshay: Better, one must talk to a King what he likes to hear.

Dhiraj: Speak desirable things,
Though King hasn't asked.
Speak not undesirable things,
When he himself has asked.

It is better to talk to a King
At the time when he's asking
A person for something,
And not when he's not asking.

When he's not asking
A person for anything
If that man says something
He may feel it irritating.
70/08.இளையர் இனமுறையர் என்றிகழார் நின்ற
ஒளியோடு ஒழுகப் படும்

70/08. Illaiyar inamurraiyar endrikazhaar ninrra
Olliyodu ozhugap padum.

70/08. Even if a King is young in age, one, senior to him in age,
must give respect to him for his position.
Akshay: A King is a King irrespective of his age.
He must be given proper respect for his position.

Dhiraj: A King is not a common man,
But sitting on his throne,
He rules the entire country,
And ensures its safety.

His age is not the criterion,
But as a King, his position
Is taken into consideration,
And due respect to him is given.

So, why ask this question?
Who's a junior person?
Who's a senior person?
We'll respect him then.
70/09. கொளப்பட்டேம் என்றெண்ணிக் கொள்ளாத செய்யார்
துளக்கற்ற காட்சி யவர்.

70/09. Kollappattame endrrennik kollaadha seiyaar
Thullakatrra katchi yavar.

70/09. A wise man will think that he is respected by the King
and so he will not do anything revolting to him.
Akshay: A wise man always respects the King.

Dhiraj: As the King gives respect,
The wise man will not revolt
Against the King anytime
But will, in turn, obey him.

This kind of mutual relationship
Both must gradually develop
For the welfare of the subjects
And the country's interests.

If there is any kind of revolt
It will affect the interest
Of each and every citizen
Including the King and wise man.
70/10. பழையம் எனக்கருதிப் பண்பல்ல செய்யும்
கெழுதகைமை கேடு தரும்.

70/10. Pazhaimai enakkaruthip pannballa seiyum
Kezhuthakaimai kedu tharum.

70/10. Saying that the King is my old friend,
and doing unnatural things taking liberty, will affect the minister.
Akshay: A King may be minister's old friend
But he must not liberty with the King.

Dhiraj: Both the minister and the King
Had received their training,
Under one class teacher,
And became friends there.

But one became a minister
And another a King thereafter,
So, the minister can't take liberty
And move with King friendly.

The minister can't claim,
The same closeness as before,
But now bow before the King
Not as a friend, but as a King.

Sunday, October 16, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: poem
Rajaram Ramachandran

Rajaram Ramachandran

Chennai born, now at Juhu, Mumbai, India
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