Tirukkural Chapter 77 - Couplets 1,2,3 Poem by Rajaram Ramachandran

Tirukkural Chapter 77 - Couplets 1,2,3

திருக்குறள் -TIRUKKURAL
அதிகாரம் 77 - படை மாட்சி
77/01. உறுப்பமைந்து ஊறஞ்சா வெல்படை வேந்தன்
வெறுக்கையுள் எல்லாம் தலை.

77/01. Urruppamaindha oorranjcha velpadai vendhan
Verrukkaiyull ellaam thalai.

77/01. Elephants, chariots, horses and fearless fighting soldiers in the army, all are the foremost among all the assets of a king.
Akhilesh: A big fighting force must be there
In a King's army including elephants, chariots and horses.

Harshad: An army in those days
Was built up of full force of chariots,
Elephants, horses and soldiers,
Who fought on the battle grounds.

They were fighting face to face
With long swords, sharp spears,
Bows and arrows, with supports
From elephants, horses and chariots.

There were strict war rules
And regulations in the fields
Like, when to start the war
And to end it at what hour?
77/02. உலைவிடத்து ஊறஞ்சா வன்கண் தொலைவிடத்துத்
தொல்படைக்கு அல்லால் அரிது.

77/02. Ulaividhaththu oorranjchaa vankann tholaividhaththuth
Tholpadaikku allaal aridhu.

77/02. When the strength of the army is reduced
and the King is in danger, among all forces his security guards
at the cost of their lives, will defend him.
Akhilesh: A King will be surrounded by
Special guards while fighting in the battleground.

Harshad: In the battle field the King fights,
As the head of the fighting forces,
Surrounded by his own security guards,
To defend him in case of emergencies.

If the strength is reduced,
If the King is facing any danger ahead
He'll be saved by his security guards
At the risk of their own lives.

Countless battles were fought,
Many soldiers died on the spot
Or alive some were caught
By the enemy forces in the past.
77/03. ஒலித்தக்கால் என்னாம் உவரி எலிப்பகை
நாகம் உயிர்ப்பக் கெடும்.

77/03. Olithakkaal ennaam uvari elippagai
Naagam uyirppak kedum.

77/03. If a crowd of rats gather like an ocean and shout
in what way a cobra is affected. If that cobra hisses
all the rats will run away.
Akilesh: One cobra can tackle hundreds of rats.

Harshad: Like that, one strong army
Can scare away a weak army,
And far away they'll all run
Not to face back the strong one.

The poet has given
A typical illustration,
When a cobra hissed, many rats
Escaped to save their lives.

The fighting force of a King
Is like a cobra's hissing,
And when he's in the field
All his enemies are scared.

James Mclain 23 October 2016

I enjoyed this very much. I Iove history and the wisdom it can bring.. iip

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Rajaram Ramachandran

Rajaram Ramachandran

Chennai born, now at Juhu, Mumbai, India
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