To A Friend Concerning A Friend Poem by Solomon Senxer

To A Friend Concerning A Friend

Rating: 5.0

Why do we cry when someone has died?
Is it the company we miss by our side?
Is it for things we have not done?
Is it for the promise he has not begun?
Is it for things we will soon be denied?
Why do we cry when someone has died?

Yes, there's a lot we can do for someone,
Yes, this world offers a lot of fun—
The breathtaking grandeur of God's creation,
And also the beauty of human emotion.
But isn't he in a better place when he died?
Why this truth to the heart is not satisfied?

Death, we have no complaint against you,
It is the wage of sin each of us is due.
Lord, we know you are taking to the better place,
That, in deep solace we can embrace your grace.
But we still cry when someone has died,
Because there's a pain deep inside.

The Lord on account of Lazarus cried,
He even for our eternal death died.
The Lord knows the grief and the pain of death,
He was, is, and always will be God, yet
He cried identifying our grief,
Long or brief we cry, and shall find in Him a relief!

Lo! We shall meet again with no more tears,
We shall be together again for countless years,
Heaven and earth shall be ours; the road no more narrow!
No more sin, no more death, no more sorrow.
Unto that imminent reality, let us fix our hope
Especially when in such a situation we try to cope.

To A Friend Concerning A Friend
Monday, September 9, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: death,friendship,grief ,hope
Sarimaya passed away on 09 September 2019 (around 04: 00 am) . He has been knowing the Lord for the past 3 years and 5 months! He has been close to many, and dearly loved by SSEUians. This poem is written for SSEUians concerning his demise.
Chinedu Dike 09 September 2019

Really an insightful piece of poetry well articulated and nicely embellished with poetic rhyme and rhythm. Thanks for sharing, Solomon.

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Solomon Senxer 10 September 2019

Thank you for those kind words of appreciation!

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