To Come In The Morning Poem by Randy McClave

To Come In The Morning

Rating: 3.5

He said that he was tired of sadness and sorrow
So, he hopes and prays that the Lord will come tomorrow,
With vengeance and justice he wants Jesus to arrive
He wants the guilty and the lost not to survive,
Without any mercy, and no warning
He prays that the Lord, will come in the morning.

He says that he won't have to clean up his mess
Or worry about his daughter's prom or wedding dress,
Nor will he worry about the bills that he needs to pay
Or his daughter driving a car, or getting a job, someday,
I asked him about tomorrow and all the new born lives
But, he says that he still can't wait, until sunrise.

I asked him about all of his accomplishments made
And all of the places that he has been, and foundations laid,
Outside my window I see flowers and new lives beginning
With mistakes to be corrected, and the world to keep spinning
But, for other's salvation and lives he is not worried about them,
As he prayed for the Lord, to arrive in the A.M.

I said to him this world is like our house
You want it cleaned and presentable before the arrival of the spouse,
There is still so much to do and much more to be done
Before we finally greet and meet and be judged by God's son,
I don't want to see no sadness and grief and mourning;
But, he still prays for the Lord, to come in the morning.

Randy L. McClave

Tuesday, November 8, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: armageddon,death,jesus,life
I have been saved since I was 5, I still believe and know that Jesus is my Lord and saviour. I have a sibling that all he says to me, is that he can't wait for Jesus to come and the world to end, my thoughts and beliefs differ from my sibling there.
Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Ashland, Kentucky
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