To The Most Important Woman Poem by Melissa Patty

To The Most Important Woman

Rating: 5.0

Someone so beautiful was swept away
Into the deepest sleep you peacefully lay
On earth your heart was loved so much
Words cant never explain how I long for our hands to touch
You lit each heart that came into your life
As you wedded you made my Dad the happiest man to have married such a loving wife
My heart goes out to him for filling in the missing role
Raised us with everything he could condole
Beautiful angel in heaven I hope you know that your memory is a crystal that will shine forever
Until that day arrives we will once again be together
Thank you Mum that you give me a life that was nothing but purity
I wish you were here to journey with me into my full maturity
I may be lost at times but I know I've got a guardian angel to help me through
Locked inside my heart I hold a very special picture with me and you.

By Melissa Patty

Tuesday, October 31, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: memory
Bill Cantrell 31 October 2017

What a absolutely beautiful and touching piece of poetry, definitely from the innermost Corredor's of your heart, you have penned and expressed a wonderful tribute, outstanding!

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Melissa Patty 01 November 2017

Thankyou for this beautful comment, what a nice way to start my morning reading such kind words. Thankyou for taking your time to read this I appreciate your support God Bless you.

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