Trip To Carolina Beach Poem by Loyd C Taylor Sr

Trip To Carolina Beach

The day arrived for our trip to the coast,
Kat settled on the place she loved the most.
It was Carolina Beach, that was crystal clear,
Said to me, 'LC, let's get out of here!
Quick, pack the car I'm ready for vacation,
Seven great days of rest and relaxation! '

Next, driving down to Chardale Street,
We spoke of warm sand beneath our feet.
Picked up my sis' Barb and hubby Moe,
When we got loaded up, and away we did go!
A few hundred miles, so Moe accelerates,
The only thing better would be the pearly gates.

We rode straight to our destination,
A relaxing ride, free of aggravation.
Heard the weather report from Mackerel Lane,
'Lots of sunny weather and a slight chance of rain.'
We said, 'Thanks to Becky, for the use of her home,
Just a brief walk down to the ocean's white foam.

We took in some sea air, sent up a little cheer,
Popped open the trunk, unpacked our gear.
Once settled, we strolled down to the shore,
Gazed at the reasons we had come there for:
Gentle green waves, lapping around our feet,
Horizon kissing, as the water and sky meet.

Playful dolphins, occasional whales too,
Seagulls cawing out, 'How do you do? '
Colorful umbrellas, boats setting their sails,
Floating driftwood, sandcastles, and pails.
Waves slurping, everyone having fun,
Ocean whispers, rays from the sun.

Lovers walking, as fishermen play,
Wishing for the big one that got away.
Twinkling stars in the heavens hung,
Misty morning air, salt water on the tongue.
Evening breezes, dawn's golden light,
Handiwork of One who does things right.

Now, if you're reading this beach bum's rhyme,
Don't feel bad since you're not in the shine.
For I splashed the water and soaked the rays,
Enjoyed it all for you these glorious days!
And if you need a vacation, or a little space,
Check out Mackerel Lane and Becky's place.

She and Terry dish out a complete fish fry,
To enjoy underneath the Carolina sky.
The town of Lure will make your day,
Through a spectacular fireworks display!
So come on down to where the Atlantic waters reach,
To a wonderful place called Carolina Beach.

Thursday, September 3, 2009
Topic(s) of this poem: beach,ocean,vacation
Marcia Schechinger 03 September 2009

Loyd ahh a lovely verse taking me back to the ocean with your lovely images. :)

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