Trust Poem by Jo Elliott


How does it feel when you learn to trust?
It feels like you will,
not that you must.

You open your heart even if you feel fear
and allow everyone to come near.
You do not worry what the outcome is
in your heart you feel a deep sense of bliss.

You realise there's a choice,
which one do you choose?
You know either way there's nothing to lose.

Trust is about the freedom to live,
allowing everyone to take and give.
Including yourself,
you're important too!
Everyone has the right to do what they want to do!

When you allow people this then you may find,
the choices they make, you don't mind.
You may see their choices aren't for you
and this will stop you feeling blue.

You then can choose to just let them go
and allow your life to go with the flow.
Giving you the chance to let more people in
and then your life can actually begin.

Any disappointments
will eventually fade.
You won't allow yourself to be played,
if you've placed in people your love and trust,
the choice is then theirs
if it's broken or bust.

Their worthiness will truly show
although only the love
in your heart
will grow.

You won't be bitter,
you'll understand,
that they are carrying out
all they have planned.
This you'll see
as they live their life
and if they choose,
to love their life in strife.

Knowing that you won't be a part,
giving you a chance
to follow your own heart.
Sifting through to find all that's true,
opening to the love
that comes shining through.

Thank you for reading 💖

Give and Take Within an untrusting relationship there seems to be a lot of expectation of how someone ‘should' behave. Although some people go out of their way to hide the fact that they are untrusting and do all they can to prevent the trust from being built up. When someone has had their trust destroyed and has to learn to trust again, even if it means going all out with people they know they can't trust it highlights the freedom that is allowed within a trusting relationship. This is a two way thing though, not just one-sided. It cannot work if one is distrusting the other or not allowing the other the freedom that is allowed to them. It is down to the one who does not allow the other the freedom, if their own choices restrict them, even though they are allowed the openness to make their own choices. Trusting is not being submissive and allowing yourself to get hurt, it's allowing someone to make their own choices and if that means cheating, so be it. It would still hurt, if it happened, it would still be the same journey of recovery, it would just be that, if they did, it was a choice they made and at some point you can sit back and say, it wouldn't have mattered what I did, they would have still done it.
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