Two Like Charges, A Home Pome Poem by Glen Kappy

Two Like Charges, A Home Pome

To my son

As it seems in this time of my life
the dates looked-forward-to
make all the time between go faster
and become just unremembered interims.

The time is near—or maybe past? —
you said that you might visit.
So I wonder if your plans have changed
or if you have an opportunity you can't pass up.

Not that I thought a visit would be easy—
two of us who seem to share like charges.
But for us I think this pushing and repelling
is the way we love—two men with their own minds
who try at least to come together.

Monday, July 17, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: father,father and son,love,magnet,relationship,together
Daniel Brick 31 July 2017

What an honest poem! To call it heart-felt is to praise the very center of its sincerity.You go right to the heart of the truth of a mature parent-child relastionship, showing utmost respect for your son. You citerd the word MAGNET: exactly, that's why you can be so sanguine over details and overrall express a definite hope. It's very moving in a quiet, forceful way.. BTW what do you mean by the phrase A HOME POME! ! I'm puzzled and curious! !

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Glen Kappy 31 July 2017

hey, daniel! first, thank you for you perceptive affirmation of this poem; i was hoping people would relate to this personal poem... the phrase home pome is meant to relate to things in the immediate or nuclear family; most with this title are to my wife; there are two, i think, in which our granddaughter figures who is a big part of our lives now and sleeps over friday or saturday night almost every week; she''ll be seven in october and in first grade this year. -glen

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Glen Kappy

Glen Kappy

New York, NY USA
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