U.S. Marines! A Few Good Men Except For Toxic Waste Poem by Luke Easter

U.S. Marines! A Few Good Men Except For Toxic Waste

Two former United States Marines, Tim King and Bob O'Dowd,
Have turned up the volume on military misconduct to extra loud,
Exposing murder and governmental cover-up so what else is new?
The "Proud v Dead" unfortunately it is a lot more than just a few.

Former Marine Corps Air Station (MCAS El Toro West) in Cali,
Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune (East) now stuck in a back ally,
The guys are preparing to move the confrontation to mainstream,
With a thoroughly investigative report rising to the top, Ala Cream.

"A Few Good Men, Too Many Chemicals" a nonfictional account,
A war correspondent & an investigative reporter, the right amount,
They give live to a story of thousands of veterans & their families,
Once stationed at these killer bases and no they did not say please.

Co-authored a thrilling & informative book of high power denial,
Of contamination on two former bases politically forgotten while,
Demographically the highest rate of male breast cancer at Lejeune,
Over half a century later, still no confirmation, it is still too soon.

However, via all research, statistics, diseases, connecting the dots,
Exposure of environmental hazards to that diagnosis is quite a lot,
Obviously, the government being the supreme power has forgot,
Soldiers are the backbone of our freedom, this crap needs to stop.

They are speaking of extremely, serious infectious abnormalities,
And not just, "A Few Good Men" also affected are their families,
Nor are they writing of a handful but thousands of U.S. Marines,
With factual evidence our government never attempted to clean.

Ok, bills are pending in Congress for Veterans of Camp Lejeune,
Yet the pressure to find financial offsets in the DOD spells doom,
Hazardous military installations are not as rare as it might seem,
As the highest incident of male breast cancer is by these Marines.

Uncle Sam has chosen to ignore until death silences their pleas,
So affected Marines will no longer be a drain on monetary fees,
The fact that they paid the ultimate price with their very own lives,
Not to mention the suffering of loving sons, daughters and wives.

King & O'Dowd also managed to tie in the death of James Sabow,
Managing to piece together facts original investigators didn't show,
Evidence that for unknown some reason they decided not to apply,
Buy the book available at Amazon Kindle to discover how & why.

Fact that outside forces had to fight for justice within is no surprise,
Since all Armed Forces entities have a sad history of cover-up lies,
Refusing to intentionally overlook the truth while relying on alibis,
High-ranking officials might be embarrassed, oh and if anyone dies?

Many times America has pushed soldiers aside leaving them alone,
All while succumbing to the top 1%, but they are not the backbone,
However, no gun, horse, jeep, tank, humvee, battle ship or fighter jet,
Would be worth anything if not operated by a highly motivated, VET.

Just who do these two guys think they are attacking this war machine?
That destroyed records of TCE & other organic solvents, is it a dream?
So, regulatory authorities filed a lawsuit & findings of plume in 1985,
It is a wonder anyone who served or lived on or off base is still alive.

1998 Navy inspection reported more than 40ft of contaminated waste,
And 40 years of drawings are missing as in terminated, not misplaced,
Government records that could easily establish the time lines & prove,
Like in the 600 plus treaties with the American Indian being removed.

Yeah, greatest country in the world is not always obviously that great,
In most instances, someone or group responds only after it's too late,
A pattern of hiding the truth, Tim & Bob made it their duty to expose,
Documents, memos, contracts shredded, not even the military knows.

There is a scripture, Jeremiah 51: 27, "Set ye up a standard in the land,
Blow the trumpet" these writers are doing just what the bible demands,
Slogan recognized world wide as excellence, "The Few, The Proud…"
Yet in this instance its dwindled to a couple, Tim King & Bob O'Dowd.

w/Tim King & Bob O'Dowd

Luke Easter

Luke Easter

Cleveland, Ohio
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