Unknowing What It Means Poem by Lawrence S. Pertillar

Unknowing What It Means

Knowing what it means,
To recognize a blessing...
Is one who has exposed,
A stepping in faith...
And facing obstacles.
On a daily basis.
With it to express everyday,
An appreciation that shows...
More to display and felt.
In a way that is shown to everyone else.

'You just don't know,
What I've been going through.'

Take your gifts God has given.
Unwrap each one,
And enjoy what you get.
Without complaining to perceive,
What another gets...
Has more happiness attached to it.

'Which church do you attend? '

There are people who believe,
What someone else does to achieve...
Happens overnight while they skip through life.
As they eat homemade cookies.
Unknowing what it means or what it's like,
To sacrifice emotionally enduring strife...
From a crawling on knees to eventually heal,
A bleeding done no one sees.

'You just don't know,
What I've been going through.
If you did you would tell me,
Which church you attend.
Like I 'frequently' do.'

I have to agree with you.
I don't.
I've been too busy thanking God.
And obviously a faith you claim,
Is more done to impress...
A going through a devotion to motions,
To have others who witness this...
Only to serve a purpose of 'looks' to address.

'You don't know how deep my faith is.
OR what it is to God I confess.'

I'm not here to judge.
Or qualify your complaints.
Nor am I the one to prove I am a saint.
God knows I aint.
Although I've heard you quote from scriptures.
Which picture of you,
Painted and from 'your' point of view...
Do you prefer I choose and accept,
That will have me forget my observation, best?

'How can anyone 'unknow' what is seen? '
You just don't know,
What I've been going through...
Like I know it to believe.'

With it to do faithfully everyday.
And you too will know,
Just how mysterious God is.

'What you need is to leave that philosophy.
And go to church more.
You never know what God has for you.'

I'm good but thanks for that advice.

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