Unpaid Heroes Poem by Randy McClave

Unpaid Heroes

They tell me I'm a hero
But, my extra pay is zero,
I have a oath and a responsibility
And I never seek any pity.
In this modern society
I am indeed a priority,
But, still I always get paid less
And I carry more stress.
I went to college for my trade
For which I paid,
I am always busy and behind
But, I still am caring and kind.
I deliver services and care
For the sick and ailing here and there,
And I am exposed to hazardous environments
But, I'm there for a person's health or treatments.
I can be a doctor or a nurse
Whose always wearing Converse,
I can be an Aid, Helper or a technician
A janitor, a waste handler or a physician.
I have been around the sick, dying and the dead
Those tears never escape my head,
You call yourself a vegetarian
I am a humanitarian.
I am not ever given tips
For any of my service or for the scripts
I'm not a shirker
I am a healthcare worker.

Randy L. McClave

Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Ashland, Kentucky
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