Voyage Of Life Poem by PRAVEEN KUMAR English Poems

Voyage Of Life

The voyage is long,
On the turbulent sea
That heaves in violent waves
To fling the life-craft
High to the Heaven
And dropp deep to the bowels
Of watery grave
Along the sail
To distant, dark shore
Of unforeseen future.

The boat on voyage
Mounts and dismounts dancing waves
And sails in stolid gait,
To rise and fall
In pursuit of time,
Dunny to the toss to left and right
In maddening swirl.

It is an unwavering sail
In midst of torments
On surface
While sunk to depth
In strength
Of placid peace and sober grace.

The voyage is strite,
With ravenous rocks
Of passion, ill-will,
And mischiefs
That surface between the waves
And unravel designs
Of the unfavourable wind
And soft spots
Of the life's sojourn
And bares the dints
Of the nature's cruel farce
And fierce dance.

The sail is on its route
In definite' direction;
It takes all odds,
It drinks all strifes
As it come,
In simple, pure courage
That guides this proud voyage;
Not-too-uncommon crafts
Do sink to the floor of sea
As lost cause, lost forever
In the nature's ravages
And lie scattered beneath water,
Forever in the future.

The voyage is subtle like the sea itself;
Though brittle
To the shocks of conscience;
It is hard like rock
To the pulls and raps
Of outside waves;
It is diamond
That bares
As charred coal
In inner oven's fire;
It is pure gold
That shapes
In the heart's beats
And draws desired forms
At the hests of convictions
And the heats of passions.

The vessel of myriad pores
That admit
In subtle whimpers
That add weight
Of pride and contentment,
Of thick steel wall
Of multiple plates
That still
Outside storms
That sweep the soul
Beyond its frame,
Guide the soul for contented sail.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Topic(s) of this poem: life
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