Walk On The Water (Translation) Poem by Galina Italyanskaya

Walk On The Water (Translation)

Apostle Andrew fished from the pier,
The Savior walked upon the water near.
The angler hooked gudgeons in the depth,
Whereas the Savior fished out the dead.

And Andrew cried: ‘I will leave the pier,
If you unlock the secret of your skill! '
He was replied: ‘There is no secret here
Just follow my instructions and you will…

Do you see on the hill
The cross rising high
With ten of soldiers beneath?
Hang in there for a while!

When you feel that's enough,
Then come back to the sea
To walk on the water
To walk on the water
To walk on the water with me.'

‘But, teacher, no! The crow is circling there,
The combs are blazing deadly on the helms!
Explain your trick right now and spare me!
Delay the crucifixion, it's so fell! '

The Savior gave a gasp, and turning pale,
He stamped his foot upon the water smooth,
Then cried: ‘You're a fool, to tell the truth! '
And weeping Andrew went with fish away.

‘Do you see on the hill
The cross rising high
With ten of soldiers beneath?
Hang in there for a while!

When you feel that's enough,
Then come back to the sea
To walk on the water
To walk on the water
To walk on the water with me...'

Wednesday, January 20, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: jesus,miracle,philosophical ,translation
This poem is my translation of the song by Vyacheslav Butusov 'Прогулки по воде'(from Russian) .
I'm not sure if I may post the original lyrics here, but you can find it on the Internet:
http: //berugitaru.ru/akkordi/nautilus-pompilius/progulki-po-vode/
And the song is performed on YouTube:
https: //www.youtube.com/watch? v=FZ0rlskJPDs
Daniel Brick 21 January 2016

I like that spunky pun on HANG IN FOR AWHILE. The wonderful thing about Jesus is that he never compromised on the big issues, never settled for half-measures: He drove ALL of the money-men out of the Temple, no exceptions for big donors; he forgave the adultress without condition and trusted her to do right; he sat with and talked with the Samaritan woman even his followers though unclean. Again and again Jesus fulfills the finest deeds of humanity. But he always gave the sincere ones a second chance, a third chance even. If Jesus were God these things would be easy for him B-U-T if he was just a man with a highly refined spirituality identity, then he is indeed one of the greatest of human beings-along with the historical Buddha Siddartha who told his followers I AM NOT A GOD, JUST A MAN LIKE YOU.

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Galina Italyanskaya 21 January 2016

Whoever he was, he knew that miracles are paid by suffering.

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Valentin Savin 20 January 2016

I haven't seen the original text but I like the translation itself. I remember hearing the song. You've done it greately. The Savior gave a gasp, and turning pale, He stamped his foot upon the water smooth, Then cried: ‘You're a fool, to tell the truth! ' And weeping Andrew went with fish away. Just nice!

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Galina Italyanskaya 20 January 2016

Oh, yeah! That 'with fish' made laugh many my friends))) There were gudgeons in the original text instead of fish (as in S1) , but anyway it's fish)))

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