Want To Be. Poem by Fay Slimm

Want To Be.

Rating: 5.0

I want to be there
When you awake.

Every moring my heart
Aches, so much that
I feel I am where
You are - - no parting
To grieve us then.

My soul now knows great
Loneliness, - but
Starts to imagine
Your good-morning smile.

When you awake
I want to be there.

Andrew mark Wilkinson 03 May 2009

Nothing like a good morning smile.. :) Andy 10

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Sandra Martyres 03 May 2009

A refreshing poem Fay - nothing like a ood morning smile to start off the day..10

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Sally Carter 10 May 2009

I read this a bit differently. Wondered if it was about someone who had died, wishing they could be gone to the same place as their loved one? Or am I reading something into it that you did not intend? Either way I enjoyed its gentle softness.

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Tom Balch 04 May 2009

This is a lovely piece Fay, really lovely, regards Tom

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this is so very beauuutiful.. lovely.. absolutely

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Fiona Davidson 03 May 2009

Lovely poem Fay...as always your words just flow...Fi 10+++

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Tsira Goge 03 May 2009

Fay, Very beautiful morning begins.... by finest desire for the favourite..10... Tsira

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Fay Slimm

Fay Slimm

in Cornwall U.K.
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