War - Vietnam War - Long Tan Heroes Poem by Paul Warren

War - Vietnam War - Long Tan Heroes

It was April 1966 in a Province in South Viet Nam
At a place called Nui Dat, the 1st Australian Task Force took command
It was a dangerous place in a war, without a front line
Where the Viet Cong had a trail, amongst the people entwined
So the stage was set for the fierce battle to come
As a legend was carved, for these brave Australian sons

In August the Viet Cong decided to mortar, the Nui Dat base
Killing an Australian soldier and wounding 24 - to set the pace
A patrol from B Company of 6 RAR, found the Viet Cong in full retreat
With D Company taking over to the Long Tan plantation, in a pursuit complete
A fire fight started where the brave 108 Australians faced a much larger force
A rainstorm burst - making it impossible for the Australians to be reinforced

As darkness fell, no quarter would be asked or given on this deadly night
The Australians were running out of ammunition, yet continued the fight
A flight of two Huey Iroquois helicopters, flew the ammunition in
And artillery was used to support the Australians, in the bloody battle din
The Viet Cong gathered their forces, in a large regimental attack
A handful of Australians facing them, but none would step back

The new day dawned, the Australians were reinforced
And drove the Viet Cong from the battlefield, who had no recourse
That night at least 245 of the enemy soldiers were lost in the battle
18 brave Australians fell with their faces to the foe, amidst death's rattle
Added to the cost were 24 of their mates, wounded in a victory hard earned
Their place in the Anzac Legend was now forever burned.

Now the years have passed from that fateful day
This morning we are left to recall them today
Knowing that what they did can never be denied
They are with Lone Pine, Pozieres and Tobruk with pride
Young Australians standing against odds together strong
Who did not take a step back forging their own legendary song.

© Paul Warren Poetry

War - Vietnam War - Long Tan Heroes
Thursday, April 7, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: war
50th anniversary of this battle this year - 2016.
Paul Warren

Paul Warren

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