We Do Not Do That! Poem by Julia Luber

We Do Not Do That!

We might be imperfect in our charming forgivable ways, and we might
not be the cooky cut out classical models that we'd so love to be: But, that,
that, we don't do. We don't do that. Oh no. We don't do that!
Perhaps if only to establish a line between what it is and what it is not that
we will do. That's over the line and under our skin. And when added to certain
other things we know about you-the false accuse of rape, the gang style kill
thrill murder at the fast food restaurant at night in the big white truck, the cornering
of a drunk and rowdy friend in college into suicide vis a vis psychiatry in order to
get her out of your life, and corner her into the toxic aggression of evil instead of
being in a highly elevated state of flighty magic, what you do to those children in
a hundred and ten degree heat down the boulevard as if to parade them: That
We Don't Do! WE DON'T DO THAT. We might not make our political party about
NOT doing that. And we might not give you the attention you are so craving by doing
that. And we might be holding back our impulses as to what we really want to do back
to you. But put it simply, put it plain, make it simple, keep it light:
We Simply and most Wonderfully DO NOT DO THAT!

Harping on some of the noxious things that I know some people have done. Drawing the line.
Jane Campion 31 July 2019

This poem reminds me of a rodeo. Bucking and shouting.

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Julia Luber 31 July 2019

Your responses are so poetic, like poems themselves. They always enhance the sensibility!

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