We're All Humans. Poem by Nikhil Parekh

We're All Humans.

There wasn't a brain born on this fathomlessly enchanting Universe; which came without its share of imbecile eccentricities; at times meandering into the aisles of wholesomely decrepit meaninglessness,

There wasn't a lip born on this boundlessly captivating Universe; which came without its share of inexplicable sadness; at times solely embracing the most unprecedented apogees of lugubrious doom,

There wasn't a throat born on this endlessly enthralling Universe; which came without its share of rambunctious cacophony; at times wafting into the bitterest
tunes of hedonistic oblivion,

There wasn't a finger born on this limitlessly emollient Universe; which came without its share of ludicrous anomalies; at times preposterously sketching the entire resplendently enamoring planet; wretchedly and incongruously upside down,

There wasn't a foot born on this invincibly panoramic Universe; which came without its share of delirious stamping; at times meting its entire frustration upon blissful soil; till the last granule of mud was frigidly pulverized,

There wasn't an eye born on this wonderfully ameliorating Universe; which came without its share of impoverished tears; at times inconsolably sobbing towards hysterical doom; even under the most blazingly unfettered rays of brilliant sunlight,

There wasn't a chest born on this enigmatically Herculean Universe; which came without its share of deplorable fearfulness; at times inscrutably trembling towards the most pathetically dwindling of corpse; at the tiniest whisker of sound,

There wasn't a stomach born on this pristinely uninhibited Universe; which came without its share of intermittently irascible gas; at times expurgating into the most pugnaciously fetid bellows of air; even whilst resting amidst perennially environmental bliss,

There wasn't a mind born on this bountifully fructifying Universe; which came without its share of unexplainable illiteracy; at times helplessly staring at the most sagaciously pragmatic things; even though trained to unsurpassable epitomes of meritoriously royal education,

There wasn't a mouth born on this gloriously untainted Universe; which came without its share of ungainly abuse; at times bursting into an uncontrolled volley
of thwarted malice; just the very next instant after uttering the name of the Omnipotent Lord,
There wasn't a bone born on this pricelessly inimitable Universe; which came without its share of dastardly weakness; at times bizarrely crouching an infinite feet beneath its shell; although the barbarous enemy was a million kilometers apart; and yet to arrive,

There wasn't a skin born on this gregariously compassionate Universe; which came without its share of penurious sweat; at times culminating into an ocean of disdainfully salty water; when tension rode high and unprecedented even on the tip of freezing Everest,

There wasn't a neck born on this triumphantly fearless Universe; which came without its share of restless turning; at times darting into a billion directions every instant; as if non-existent hell had rained down on planet divine,

There wasn't an ear born on this victoriously burgeoning Universe; which came without its share of anomalous insensitivities; at times pretending to be ostentatiously deaf to even the most agonizingly tyrannized cries of living kind,

There wasn't an eyelash born on this handsomely regal Universe; which came without its share of surreptitious flashing; at times unnecessarily flirting with the fairer sex at gay abandon; immediately after tying the immortal nuptial thread with godly wife,

There wasn't a persona born on this unabashedly liberated Universe; which came without its share of maiming depression; at times writhing for countless hours on obdurate floor; desperately crying for no ostensible reason or rhyme,

There wasn't a spine born on this undauntedly magnetic Universe; which came without its share of mysterious trembling; at times reverberating more ferociously than the devastating earthquake; at just a nimble touch of the nubile finger,

There wasn't a heart born on this gigantically spell-binding Universe; which came without its share of irregular throbbing; at times skipping an infinite beats in a single instant; to directly reach the penultimate beat of veritable death,

There wasn't a nostril born on this timelessly blossoming Universe; which came without its share of inexorable gasping; at times feeling indescribably asphyxiated for poignant breath; even in the most celestially iridescent of atmosphere,

And there wasn't an organism born on this unlimitedly redolent Universe; which came without its share of humanitarian errors; at times forgetting its own name
and holistic identity; even though blessed in every aspect of its existence by the Omnipresent Lord,

Simply because; we're all humans; and try as hard as we could; we can never ever come even an infinitesimal fraction close to him; can never ever even dream to
emulate his impregnably perfectionist ways; can never ever challenge his unassailable ways of human creation; can never ever become the Omniscient God.

Nikhil Parekh

Nikhil Parekh

Dehradun, India
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