What Pastor Pete Says Poem by Randy McClave

What Pastor Pete Says

I do not hate you because you are transgender or gay
I do not hate you in any way,
And I do not hate you because you are a liar or a cheater
Or because you have denied Christ as once did Peter.
I do not hate you because you are an alcoholic
I do not hate you because of the people with whom you frolic,
And I do not hate you because you abuse your temple
Corruption unto your body, which is but a rental.
I do not hate you because you take drugs
Or because you proudly hang around with thugs,
And I do not hate you because you take the lords name in vain
And I do not hate you because you cause me pain.
I do not hate you because you are a prostitute
Not one bit of hate for you can I or will I ever constitute,
And I do not hate you because you are a thief
Or because you break promises like the turning of a leaf.
I do not hate you because you broke the law
Or because of you someone else did take the fall,
And I do not hate you because you are very greedy
Or because you hate and mock the poor and the needy.
I do not hate you because of your lust or pride
I do not hate you for your wrath and gluttony as your guide,
And I do not hate you because you are very mean and slothful
And I do not hate you because you are wrothful.
I do not hate you because if you burnt someone's dinner
And I do not even hate you because you are a sinner,
I just hate the sin;
The end.

Randy L. McClave

Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Ashland, Kentucky
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